Tuesday, February 26, 2008


5 March: Myra Fassler-Kamstra : Inscapes, Outscapes and Landscapes - an Odyssey

12 March: Lisa Rautenbach, (Educator, EduCad) talks on Competitions: Open Think Box Childzone and Living Spaces 2008 Gypoc.

2 April: Don Albert: Brand (new) buildings - Architecture as BRAND

16 April: Prof Keith Beavon (Geographer - Author: Johannesburg; the making and shaping of the city) Johannesburg to Sandton and back again: a 35 year journey!

13h30 in Boukunde 3-3:
University of Pretoria Deptof Architecture 1st Semester Open Lecture Series 2008
Enquiries: Tel. (012) 420-3778, archi@postino.up.ac.za


FADA- Faculty of Art & Design

Upcoming Events

Johannesburg and Megacity Phenomena
9 – 11 April 2008
The Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture’s Research Centre: Visual Identities in Art and Design, in collaboration with the editors of the New Encyclopaedic Project, are hosting a three-day colloquium entitled: Johannesburg and Megacity Phenomena.

This colloquium will involve presentations, some on-site, of academic and practice-based research that deals with Johannesburg and its interface with megacity phenomena. A public exhibition and lecture will form part of the colloquium. Details will be available on the FADA website soon, and those interested in receiving further information can be placed on a
mailing list.

Monday, February 25, 2008

Childzone Open Think box


Design a play space for your Ithuba primary school, according to the competition brief given on www.openthinkbox.co.za : it should address the needs of 6-13 year olds, would be used by the school users and will be secure within the school grounds so it doesn't need to be a building, unless you want to make it all-weather. For your design submission, it can be part of your building. For a competition entry, you would have to make it independent.

Submit designs Monday 08h00 in studio before theory lecture. Submission must consist of a 1:50 model, plans, sections & elevations required to describe it and quick notes on copies of these drawings showing the possibilities the design offers.

Enjoy it!

Saturday, February 23, 2008

Contour Site Plan

Courtesy of the survey group here is the rough estimate of the contours. Its 1:500 in A2 format. The road through the site s 4m wide.

Wednesday, February 20, 2008


1. Task 1 is to design a masterplan, as in the project handout, showing buildings in the Ithuba masterplan pdf. Off-hand, recall

- administration / entrance with approx 2 offices for site management, 1 for primary, 1 for high school, 1 for skills training & 1 for housing.
primary, 4 classrooms approx 45-60msq ea. with childrens ergonomics, & a shared toilet, (to be developed for TASK 2)
upper school 4 " " .
hall as per pdf
skills centre as per pdf
housing for teachers, staff, approx 50msq ea in a linear arrangement of 2 wings on the South boundary, (to be developed by LK & AjvR).
housing for students to be used as bed & breakfast skills training along the East (sports field) edge as per pdf

Illustrate with site plan showing fall of 2m accross the site to North, with site models, scale 1:500.

2. Task 2 is to develop the design for the primary classrooms with plans & sections & sketch model at 1:100 or 1:50.

3. Task 3 is to divide into task groups for the construction of the model housing unit for Mr Muushe, to be built in June on site

Fundraising literature (including a CD?)
Fundraising PR to approach companies
Materials measuring with Wits Quantity Survey dept
Materials order and coordination to consult with Michele Riedmatten for Construction
Site management for materials & setting out, storage tools etc.
Site foreman (one of our own!)
Site construction team
Materials and parts backup for site

Task 3 will be assessed as part of the project mark. You need to be in a group and working on it by the end of today, 18 Feb.

Friday, February 15, 2008

Montic Farm Site Plans

Above is the old masterplan, the landscape masterplan and the google earth site image


Hi All

This is the official new class blog. If you want to be able to add posts on the site send me your email address to feige.t.l@gmail.com and I will send you an invite.
