Tuesday, February 26, 2008


5 March: Myra Fassler-Kamstra : Inscapes, Outscapes and Landscapes - an Odyssey

12 March: Lisa Rautenbach, (Educator, EduCad) talks on Competitions: Open Think Box Childzone and Living Spaces 2008 Gypoc.

2 April: Don Albert: Brand (new) buildings - Architecture as BRAND

16 April: Prof Keith Beavon (Geographer - Author: Johannesburg; the making and shaping of the city) Johannesburg to Sandton and back again: a 35 year journey!

13h30 in Boukunde 3-3:
University of Pretoria Deptof Architecture 1st Semester Open Lecture Series 2008
Enquiries: Tel. (012) 420-3778, archi@postino.up.ac.za

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